Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My First Post

"My First Post." Kind of like "Baby's First Steps" or "First day of school." Worthy of note, but hopefully this one involves a little less stumbling.

So, why am I suddenly blogging?  It happens that I am preparing to leave for Thailand for three months, so I thought this would be the best way to keep in touch and send updates everyone can follow. Lo and behold, I apparently opened an account four years ago. I have no recollection of ever doing this, but the name is clever ("Evitorial" - get it? Like "editorial"?). So after patting myself on the back for such a catchy name, I'm going to dust it off, clean it up a bit and take it from here.

More to come as my adventures grow imminent. Stay tuned, friends...


  1. So excited to follow the adventures, make sure you stay away from the crazy protestors!! So excited for you - wish I could go, hopin you'll have internet access for great postings in country.

  2. You are amazing. My heart is with you every minute.

    - Kiwi
