Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For Health or Money

Getting ready to go to Thailand is exciting and fun. Packing, reading books, learning a few words here and there...  But it is expensive. So far the priciest part has been the vaccinations, which have in fact cost more than the plane ticket.

Because Thailand is near the equator, it is home to lots of mosquito-born diseases... like malaria, dengue fever, and my favorite: Japanese Encephalitis.  The name alone makes you cringe, and according to the CDC one of the symptoms is "coma."  Hm. CDC also states that "About 1 person in 4 with encephalitis dies. Of those who don’t die, up to half may suffer permanent brain damage."

Confronted with the vaccine pricetag of $600 to avoid such a fate, I did what any reasonable person would do: I called my mom and tried to guilt trip her into paying for it (OK so I texted her - the odds were against me anyway). When that failed, I went ahead and got the vaccine. Minutes later, as I was having several hundred dollars shot into my left arm, I couldn't help but thing what else I could get for $600 that might be more enjoyable.... so I started a list.  It includes:

an iPad and an iPhone

75 Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bols with guacamole (my fave)

1 pair of Manolo Blahnik heels

11 Magic Bullet Blenders (which, despite my theories about economies of scale, have not experienced a price drop in the five years that I have desperately wanted one)

3,000 minutes on Skype to talk with my family

Now, I'll be texting my Mom to ask if she can at least help me with the last item and foot the phone bill...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My First Post

"My First Post." Kind of like "Baby's First Steps" or "First day of school." Worthy of note, but hopefully this one involves a little less stumbling.

So, why am I suddenly blogging?  It happens that I am preparing to leave for Thailand for three months, so I thought this would be the best way to keep in touch and send updates everyone can follow. Lo and behold, I apparently opened an account four years ago. I have no recollection of ever doing this, but the name is clever ("Evitorial" - get it? Like "editorial"?). So after patting myself on the back for such a catchy name, I'm going to dust it off, clean it up a bit and take it from here.

More to come as my adventures grow imminent. Stay tuned, friends...