Saturday, July 09, 2011

Mi casa

The Evitorial Page has been lacking posts lately, despite the fact that I've been in Delhi for over a week! I apologize... and the truth is that I have not had a camera. For shame, for shame.  I finally got one working and updates will follow suit. For now, here are a few shots of my apartment in New Delhi. I'm in a safe 'hood and have a lovely roommate (who is also the landlord). You'll see some traditional Hindu god statues in these shots... and traditional Indian kitchen, cookware, etc.

In other news, I just spent 48 hours in rural Bijnour, in the Uttar Pradesh province, and once I can get photos off of a borrowed camera will provide a full report!

My bedroom. Twin bed with only a sheet on it. No A/C.

Dining room (see the super large fan on the floor! Breeze and fans are the keys to comfort during monsoon season.
Singe and washing machine. Note the common Asian water heater above the sink. Turn it on and off each time you want hot water, rather than leave it on all the time... there's one in every bathroom as well. Same principle. And it's so hot here right now that I barely use mine!
Cooking range and shelves. And the amazing mango-infused cornflakes I bought today. They were so good that they will get their own post.