Thursday, July 15, 2010

You know you're living in Phrao when...

  • You are at your landlord's for a few drinks, and the ice runs out. Her son busts out his farming machete to more off of a large block frozen inside of a 7-11 bag.
  • You are driving down the road and a man has two other people on his motorbike plus one child and driving 40 pmh... and is talking on his cell phone.
  • You are driving down the road and another motorbike goes by, with a man on it who is dragging a large (dead) python by the tail with a huge grin on his face. 
  • People on bikes, on foot and motorbikes make you stop driving in the middle of the road, just to say "Hello!" in English because you stand out that much. (It's very sweet and has happened at least 3-4 times).
More coming... this section could also be titled "Interesting things that happened when I didn't have a camera".

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